Achievements & Certifications

Island Plastic Bags, Inc. has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product label. The product, Ohanaware, is now able to display a unique USDA label that highlights its percentage of biobased content. The BioPreferred Program is a USDA-led initiative that aims to assist in the development and expansion of markets for biobased products. Biobased products are cost-comparative, readily available, and perform as well as or better than their conventional counterparts.

The National Minority Supplier Development Council’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Certification is the gold standard for Ethnic Minority Business Certification in the United States. Island Plastic Bags, Inc. is proud to be nationally certified by the Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council. The Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council administers NMSDC’s certifications and supports the growth and welfare of minority communities by championing the use of minority-owned businesses in Northern California, Nevada, and Hawaii.

Adrian Hong, President of Island Plastic Bags, Inc. (IPB), is a proud graduate of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Initiative - a program based on the broadly held view of leading experts that greater access to this combination of education, capital and support services best addresses barriers to growth for small businesses. Through an 11 week program, Adrian worked together with other small business owners through intensive entrepreneurship training and practical business education delivered from Babson College’s business experts.

Adrian Hong, President of Island Plastic Bags, Inc. (IPB), is a proud graduate of the ESG Investing certificate program at Columbia Business School. The program covered the origins of stakeholder capitalism, ESG reporting frameworks, ESG ratings, responses to climate risk, and ESG investing. Through a seven week program, Adrian worked together with other students from across the world to understand where ESG investing is and where it is going.